Do you have a blog? Do you enjoy blogging? Do you like taking artistic photos?
Become an official Felicity Shoes Blogger!
I am very grateful for all of you! Blogging is one of my least favorite activities...I'd much rather build and create.
To become an official Felicity Shoes blogger:
* Blog and avatar must be at least 6 months old.
* Must know how to adjust attachments (shoes) to feet for the perfect fit.
* Must have the correct mesh feet for the shoe(s). I do not supply these...such as feet for Maitreya Lara mesh body or Slink High Feet or equivalent.
* Must know how to use Felicity Shoe HUDs or know how to use RBG colors to tint skin for Classic Avatar shoes.
* Must have professional photos.
What you get:
* ALL new shoes as they are released...about once per month.
* A link to your main blog listed in the "Official Bloggers" list. A return link would be greatly appreciated! If you have more than one blog, I'll be happy to add it to the "Official Bloggers" list as long as the Felicity post is/will be listed on that one also.
* I don't expect for you to blog every color, and you can definitely use them in other blog posts with other items.
* RL happens and will always come before SL. If a new release isn't blogged right away, just add it in with another item.
How to apply in Second Life:
Create a notecard with the following information (copy/paste):
Avatar Name:
Display Name:
Additional Information:
Send the notecard to Felicity Overlord. If you are accepted, I will send you an invitation to Felicity Shoes-Official Bloggers!
Felicity Main Blog:
Felicity Main Store:
Thanks to all my current bloggers!
Felicity Overlord