We'll see if anyone actually reads this, other than me :) And why did I finally decide to get a blog? Well, it seems like everyone else has one, and people kept asking if I had one.
So, if you're in a 3D world/game called Second Life, come by my store called Felicity in Emerald Bay. There are other locations too. If you're in the update group, you'll know about new releases. But I suppose this is another way to keep updated and to find out what will be coming up next.
I might be quiet in my update group without new releases lately because I've been working on a project called Fashion Designers Challenge. There will be two new shoes released for this...and two fashion shows with all of the outfits. (Twenty-four total outfits.) The new shoes will be available with the other outfits at a location to be determined later. This will be in May. Keep your eyes open for that because it will very interesting to see how things will turn out.
So a quick summary:
* A new pair of shoes out this month.
* A new pose bed with matching furniture will be out this month or next.
* Two new shoes out for Fashion Designers Challenge in May.
* All color variations of the Fashion Designers Challenge shoes out at the end of May.
* Discount shoe and boots section by June.
Thank you for reading :)